
Thursday, January 08, 2004

Whose Nepotism? Reuters reports on Labor Minister JAlvarado's resignation over "Nepotism Claims." [Note: On Jan 6 Peruvia had mistakenly suggested that the American wire services were skipping this story.] Unnamed but mentioned were BMerino, NPuelles and RDiez Canseco, purportedly "over allegations they helped friends and relations get state jobs." This will come as news to Beatriz! Reuters Robin Emmott and Marco Aquino need to straighten this out.

CFR Report on Andes: The New York-based Council on Foreign Relations has released their report Andes 2020: A New Strategy for the Challenges of Colombia and the Region. The Financial Times and the Associated Press report that it declares "US policy in the Andes is 'myopic' and underestimates the fundamental challenges posed by growing political instability." The report was released "just before President Bush is to join leaders from 34 Western Hemisphere nations at a summit in Mexico next week. That meeting is expected to focus on promoting democracy and reducing poverty in Latin America, among other topics" according to the AP.

Good Markets:
- Indonesia's Antara announces that Jakarta will "hold an integrated exhibition in Lima, Peru, from September 9 through 12 in an attempt to promote its non-oil/non-gas commodities, tourism and culture," according to the Indonesian Ambassador to Peru, I Gusti Ngurah Swetja.
- Canadian Press newswire headlines: "Dyancor Mines buys Peruvian property."
about the Cerro Calvan gold property in northern Peru in a deal worth USD$515.000. Calvan is about 15 km south of Yanacocha. More information about this Cenozoic-formed area inside the Chicama-Yanacocha regional corridor can be found in the Dynacor press release.
- Manhattan Minerals Corp has their own press release on their extension on Papayo land concessions until July 15, 2004.

Bad Memories: According to the New York Times, there has been another suspension of the USA program to shoot down airplanes in Latin America that are suspected of ferrying drugs "after the Colombian military forced down a plane and then strafed it without United States approval, current and former American officials have disclosed."

More Floods: Reuters has another tragic story on floods which have killed six and left at least 2,000 homeless in San Martin in Huanuco and in Puno, according to the government emergency agency INDECI.

One More NYT Correction: The New York Times today says "An article on Dec. 25 about homes decorated by people in second marriages included a quotation that referred incorrectly to a Cuzqueño painting acquired by one couple. It was colonial, not precolonial. (The Cuzqueño school originated in Peru after the arrival of the Spaniards.)"

From The Spoof: Satircal paper The Spoof asks whether Princess Di's "Dodi Fayed was killed in a plane crash in the Andes Mountains of Peru."

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