
Sunday, August 26, 2007

CLICK HERE for resources on how and where to send aid in response to the August 15 earthquake.

UPDATE: Reuters (Penny Tweedie) has a video that reports on fires in Lima, fires near Machu Picchu, and the Evo Morales visit to Pisco.

: President Alan García announced a group of private citizens would lead 'Forsur' to lead the reconstruction efforts which shall be led by Julio Favre Carranza, according to Bloomberg and MercoPress. Favre is the Chairman of Grupo Redondos and former President of CONFIEP. According to El Comercio, President Alan García said, "Hemos designado al señor Julio Favre, quien será el piloto, propulsor, promotor y tractor de la reconstrucción de Pisco." Others named to Forsur include: Eduardo Figari Gold, Jaime Cáceres Sayán, Henry Day Sprinckmoller, and José Chlimper Ackerman

The International Red Cross offers their 'Earthquake Appeal, Operations Update No. 2' which reports that on Friday, August 24, "strong winds and windstorms (known as Paracas winds) started striking the affected area. These winds are known for causing a sharp decrease of temperature - close to 0°C - and are expected to last for at least three days. This could worsen the already dramatic conditions of the affected population. The air-bridge has slowed down, and distributions could suffer some delays."

HOMAGE:The Philadelphia Inquirer reviews 'César Vallejo, The Complete Poetry: A Bilingual Edition' and notes that "Trilce deserves to stand among the most original and startling productions of 20th-century literature." Clayton Eshleman, the editor/translator of this edition, has a web page with more information including dates in the USA for poetry readings. Professor William Rowe recently presented 'Poetry Between Life and Death: the Late Work of César Vallejo.' Other reviews have been published in the New York Sun and the Sacramento News & Review. See also related You Tube videos including including the April readings in New York City and Eshleman reading a portion of Trilce last year.


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