
Monday, August 29, 2005

TANS Crash

Trans Amazon Highway: BNAmericas reports that ProInversión “is investigating a claim that a member of the consortium that won the concession to build stretches of the Interoceánica highway may have a civil case pending with the state. NOTE: “When Brazilian company Construtora Norberto Odebrecht (CNO) presented technical documents to be considered for the concession, it was required to include a sworn statement indicating it had no outstanding lawsuits pending with the state, newspaper Gestión reported.” ALSO: “The Corredor Vial Interoceánico Sur will involve a highway to traverse the continent, linking Peru's Pacific coast with Brazil's Atlantic coast.” See Also: ‘Trans Amazon Highway’ in August 19’s Peruvia.

Lourdes Still #1: Angus Reid Consultants reviewed the latest Datum International poll and concluded that Lourdes Flores Nano is “still the early frontrunner in Peru’s presidential ballot … 26% of respondents would vote for the Popular Christian Party (PPC) member in next year’s election. Former president Alan García of the American Revolutionary People’s Alliance (APRA) is second with 20%, followed by former head of state Valentín Paniagua of Popular Action (AP) with 19%. See Also: ‘Lourdes #1, Alan #2’ in August 24’s Peruvia.

PPK’s Challenge: Oxford Analytica reports that while “Kuczynski will give priority to citizen security and move ahead with privatisations despite the short period left in this administration” the new Prime Minister is “unlikely to pursue its agenda.”

Comrade Artemio Reappears, cont.: The Guardian and the Washington Post includes a summary of yesterday’s Reuters’ story on ‘Comrade Artemio.’ See Also: ‘Comrade Artemio Reappears’ in yesterday’s Peruvia.

Peruvian Injured in Haiti, cont.: The New York Times reports on Page A1 above the fold that “on Aug. 24, a Peruvian soldier stationed on the edge of Cité Soleil was shot by a sniper, according to a spokesman for the United Nations force.” It doesn’t mention anything else and it appears added onto the original story. See Also: ‘Peruvian Injured in Haiti’ in August 25’s Peruvia.

Trading with MidEast, cont.: Port2Port reports on the Israeli trade delegation in Peru led David Arzi of Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute (IEICI). Their goal was to generate deals totaling $5 million over the next 2-3 years. “Arzi noted that the forthcoming trade deals will be in joint agricultural ventures, agricultural equipment, greenhouses and irrigation systems. … In a statement issued by the IEICI Arzi said that 29 Israeli companies began operating in Peru last year, and that 165 were operating there now, 21% more than in 2003. See Also: ‘Trading with MidEast’ in August 22’s Peruvia

Tsunami Reached Peru, cont.: The Associated Press (in New York Newsday) reviewed the study that suggested last year’s tsunami reached Peru. “The first tsunami wave arriving at the Cocos Islands peaked at about 12 inches, the team said. By contrast, waves arriving at Callao and Halifax topped 20 inches.” See Also: ‘Tsunami Reached Peru’ in August 24’s Peruvia.

Peru Grows with Lat Am: Pakistan’s Dawn reviews the economic growth in Latin America and says that “the rise in non -fuel commodity prices has favoured exporters of metals and agricultural products such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Peru.” NOTE: “Since 2004, a number of countries—including significantly Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay—have all experienced ratings upgrades.”


Macro/Micro Econ:


OTHER: Ireland Online reviews a “trekking party in Peru, including four blind people, is this week aiming to raise over €150,000 to help train more guide dogs.”

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