Saturday, January 19, 2008
detained in a clandestine prison along with other politicians.
- Fujimori accused of kidnap plot (BBC) "Peru's Prime Minister Jorge del Castillo has accused ex-President Alberto Fujimori of kidnapping and attempted assassination. ... Mr del Castillo said that he had been at Mr Garcia's house on the night of 5 April 1992, when Mr Fujimori closed the country's courts and parliament. He said the house had come under fire and was surrounded by soldiers looking for Mr Garcia, who was Mr Fujimori's predecessor as president. Mr del Castillo said that he believed that the soldiers belonged to La Colina, a group of select army intelligence officers that allegedly operated as a death squad in the early 1990s. a death squad in the early 1990s. He said that he had helped Mr Garcia to escape, but had himself been arrested and detained in a clandestine prison along with other politicians."